Omusubiya-san Adoptions
Want to adopt an Omusubiya? All you have to do is read the rules at the bottom of the scroll box xD.

Umeko - Adopted by Chloe
Ikura - Adopted by Brittany
Yukarichan - Adopted by Maddie
Shisobou - Adopted by Tori
Konbukun - Adopted by Anhiee
Tenmusu - Adopted by Ashley
Tarako - Adopted by Danielle
Mentaiko - Adopted by Amy
Gomashiokun - Adopted by Meaghan
Torigomoku - Adopted by Jeannie

1.) You are only to adopt one
2.) Do not take one without my permission
3.) Don't take someone elses.
4.) So i know that you read the rules, please put the word Wisabi somewhere in your email to me xD.
5.) You have to have a website to adopt one so it can live on a page somewhere. (duh)

Please include these topics in your email.
Which one:
Anything else:
Please send that form to me HERE. thankyou